Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Why You Should Obtain Your College Degree

To degree or not to degree - it is a topic that is hotly debated.  Many people in the industry do not have a degree and are doing well for themselves. Therefore, why should you go (back) to college, whether it is to obtain a two year associates or a four year degree?  A degree can cost a lot of money. However, there are a number of compelling reasons as to why you need that piece of paper.

You are competing against college graduates

If you are just starting to try and crack into this industry, you will be competing for jobs against college graduates.  Unless your talents or background make you stand out, hiring managers and HR may discount your resume for a person who has a degree.

College graduates earn more

The average college graduate makes about $20,000 more each year than those with only a high school diploma.

Limited job choices and glass ceilings

A lack of a college degree can limit your choice of jobs. Many professional and business jobs require a college degree.  You may protest and say that you have done well getting hired at numerous IT jobs - but what about those positions you did not get hired for or never heard back from in the first place?

If you already have a job and want upward mobility to a more senior or management role, a lack of a college degree will hurt your chances of getting the higher level position. This unseen barrier is known as a glass ceiling.

Measurement of achievement

Obtaining a high school degree does not show you have the skills that hiring managers are looking for. Many news articles have discussed how a certain percentage of high school students are graduating with only a 4th grade reading level. Therefore how can a manager gauge your skills? A college degree is a measurement of performance when a hiring manager has few metrics to gauge you on. Obtaining a college degree proves that you can read/write well and that you have developed reasoning skills to function in the work place.


Finishing a college degree shows hiring managers that you are committed to starting and finishing a project. A college degree shows that you can set goals and achieve them. It also shows that you have the mindset of a doing something good for long-term gain.

Fundamental skills

If you obtain an IT-related degree (e.g., Computer Science), it will give you a background in computer fundamentals, whether that means understanding algorithms or handling interactions with your teammates on a large project for a web development class.

College internships

If you do not have any work experience in your career, many colleges provide internship programs. Interning offers you a direct link to employers. Being an intern is an excellent way to get your feet wet in the workplace.


  1. What about those of us who already have a couple years of IT experience under our belts, and only a 1 year diploma from one of those crappy private career colleges? Hm.. that sounded oddly specific :) That's me!

    I'm considering studying for CCNA to move into networking side of things. I would like to get a bachelor's degree, but I've got bills to pay and there's no way I'm going back to student life (crap food, roommates, etc.); juggling work and studies seems too overwhelming. Any advice?

    Anyway, great site and keep it up!

  2. While I have not gone to this college myself so I can't recommend it either way, I have a number of friends going to an online accredited college called Western Governors University - http://www.wgu.edu/ These friends are taking just a class or two each semester while still working, thus they do not get overwhelmed. They seem to enjoy taking these online classes to get their degree.

  3. OP what is your view on accredited online IT degrees vs IT degrees from standard colleges.

  4. I personally think that as long as you get an accredited degree, then it doesn't really matter if it's online or not.
